Fire and All Risks Insurance

Fire and All Risks Insurance

This insurance policy covers loss or damage to property caused by fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, bushfire, riot, and related perils.

The coverage can be customized to suit your requirements and extends to cover you against fire and other destructive elements(perils).

Property includes:

-Buildings and outbuildings (fences, gates, water tanks, compound structures etc).

-Machinery and plant equipment.

-Instruments and accessories.


-Fixtures and fittings

-Office furniture and equipment

-Computer equipment and data


-Personal effects of employees

-Works of art

-Electrical installations

-Stock (includes raw material, semi-finished goods, finished goods and goods in storage or in trade).

-Specifically mentioned items such as precious metals, expensive jewelry and so on subject to appropriate valuations.

The property is covered against:

a) Accidental fire

b) Explosion/implosion

c) Smoke damage

d) Destruction or damage caused by aerial devices.

e) Man-made perils in the form of riots and strikes.

f) Vandalism and malicious damage

g) Natural calamities like lightning

h) Volcanic eruptions

i) Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tidal waves, hail, snow, and floods and so on.

j) Damage caused by impact by a rail or road vehicle.

k) Damage caused by landslide or sinking earth, peril caused by pollution and contamination, bursting and /or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes, missile testing operations, leakage from automatic sprinkler installations and bush fire.



For any payments please pay through  Safaricom Paybill Number 513100


26 October 2023

